Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Start of a Long Road

My internship story doesn't start like most people's.

I didn't spend 3 years in college and get an internship during senior year. I didn't finish undergrad and do a competitive, unpaid internship in the city. In fact, you could say my interning started the summer before college. I just sort of...fell into it.

In fact, I was incredibly lucky to be given so many opportunities so early in my career. I am, however, worried that the experiences I've built make me somewhat over-qualified for other internships.

And, unlike most other internships, this one has lasted. In fact, what I do now isn't so much of an internship as it is a seasonal job. When I'm home for break, I'm here in the office. I'm still called an intern, I'm still, for the most part, treated like an intern. The only difference is that I come back, over and over again, every time I'm back in town. I love this job.

I also adore my boss here. He's taught me so much. I'd go so far as to call him a mentor. And, as a mentor, he's encouraging. In fact, he's one of the driving forces behind my search for new experiences. "I'm a firm believer in spending 5 years finding what you want to do...blah, blah, blah..."

Every time we talk about my future, he says that. And as much as I'd like to cling desperately to the comfort zone I have here at this job, to dig my claws in and NEVER let go, I know he's right. I also think he knows that there's plenty he can't teach me, that I need to learn for myself or gain from the wisdom of others.

So, there's some backstory on where this all started. I recently wrote my first resume'. Time to start getting ambitious.

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